Chasing A Slave Trade Ship

Rubaiyat Rahman
Books and Reviews


Chapter One

Photo by Nicole Chen on Unsplash

A Warship in the Gulf of Guinea

June 1817.

In the eastern horizon of the Gulf of Guinea, the first ray of red sunlight starts to rip off the darkness of the sky like a sabre. This ocean space belongs to the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. Bemoaning at the opaque blue water of the gulf won’t give anyone the slightest hint that how violent it becomes during storm surge and high wind gusts. In such picturesque backdrop of early morning, the silhouette of a warship has resumed to glow.

Glittering black muzzles of the guns of this British sailing warship have been projecting from all of twenty-two yawning wide gun ports. On the aft-side of the warship, its name is visible in silhouette- HMS Madhumati.

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This wooden-masted warship is a twenty-two cannon Royal Navy ship under the Command of Captain Benjamin Brown. The 120 feet long ship has been armed with twelve 32-pounder smooth-bore cannon and ten 9-pounder cannons as chase…



Rubaiyat Rahman
Books and Reviews

A South Asian Academic, Book Reviewer, Maritime & International Affairs Analyst. Rubaiyat loves to wade across the universe of Reading and Writing.