Checking Off the Long-Due Box

Lost in the Pages

Tanya Jain


A month went by without me posting anything on Medium. Not because I got bored, but because I stumbled upon a new hobby. It’s not like I miraculously found it; I’ve tried a hundred times before, failing each time.

Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

You might be wondering how it happened now. Well, I believe Medium played a significant role. After joining, my interest not only shifted to writing but also to reading others’ articles and relating to them. Eventually, I started enjoying it, and before I knew it, I had unintentionally built it into a habit. One day, I found myself scrolling through a book on my phone *total coincidence*, and I just kept on reading, almost lost in the pages. I realized I had read 40–50 pages without realizing or getting distracted. Trust me, that day, I was on cloud nine because I had almost given up on the idea of ever being able to read books. Thus, I found hope.

In the past month, I’ve tackled six books. And trust me, these weren’t your average thin, short reads. They were hefty, boasting an average of 500–600 pages. Not too shabby for a beginner like me, right? What do you think?

I don’t read; I devour books.

Image sourced from Pixabay

Now, I get why my friends used to say adapted movies are nothing compared to books. I used to think, “Hmm, I really think the leads did a good job. How can someone feel a book if you’re not watching anything?” At that time, I just couldn’t get how someone could read some text and feel what’s happening. I’m not denying it because even then, I liked reading random quotes and poems, but never a fiction book. I mean, I wanted to and imagined myself in a cafe reading books and having coffee — the basic dream of everyone, I guess. But I never could do that because I felt reading books was not my cup of tea.

But now that I’ve started reading, there’s no turning back. I can’t tell you how happy I am that I can now read books with full focus and also get hooked. And let me be clear, if you’re thinking that previously I might not have read something interesting and that’s why I might have lost interest, that’s not true. I literally picked the most interesting book, but after 4 or 5 pages, I was done. In fact, I used to reread the lines — not because I didn’t understand the language or words, but because I was just too distracted by my surroundings even when no one was there. Feeling stupid, though.

Now, here’s the quirky part. Despite my unsuccessful attempts to read books, I always found solace in being surrounded by them. Fictional or non-fictional, I’d end up buying books solely for their covers. Again stupid, right?

I even thought of getting a Kindle, but deep down, I knew myself too well. Even if I had a Kindle, I’d still buy physical copies because I couldn’t resist the allure of a book. I’d cherish it, annotate in it, and relish the scent of a new book.

I talk to books.

Image sourced from Pixabay

Here’s the thing with my writing and doodling. Sometimes, two characters or more are having a conversation, and I get excited, so I comment on their dialogue as if I’m a part of their fictional world. I hope I haven’t offended book readers by saying that. But in my defense, I use only a pencil, guys. It’s for those who like to keep their books clean, with nothing written on them. Even I used to be one of them. I despise it when people fold pages just to remember something. I mean, come on, “Use post-it flags, for goodness’ sake!” Oh god, it’s frustrating how some people treat books.

So there you have it — last month, I finally ticked off something I’ve been wanting to do forever. Feels good, really good. This hobby, turned habit, is now a proud part of my routine. And you know what? There’s a whole list waiting for its turn. More to check, more to discover. The journey continues, and I’m loving every page of it. Happy reading, and here’s to many more checkmarks!

I don’t have any book friends (yet), so if you’re reading this and have recommendations, throw them my way. Any genre is welcome. And remember to subscribe for more content delivered directly to your inbox in the future.

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