Child Abducted From Muslim Parents For Opposing Homosexuality.

Regardless of the reason behind the removal, a foster family is not a substitute for real parents.

Nour Alhakk


Photo by Kat J on Unsplash

A video of German police forcefully taking a little Syrian boy away from his family because his parents were allegedly teaching him that homosexuality is not acceptable in Islam has gone viral.

The child will be placed in a foster home. There are three important questions that we must ask. Was this Syrian family educated about German law? Were they given the option of leaving Germany if they didn’t agree with German values? Can the foster family (strangers) be a substitute for the real parents?

The Context of Child Removal

According to Article 4 of the German constitution, “Children may be separated from their families against the will of their parents or guardians only pursuant to a law and only if the parents or guardians fail in their duties or the children are otherwise in danger of serious neglect.”



Nour Alhakk

An avid writer with invaluable knowledge in religion, history, and politics.