Child Obesity: know what its reasons and ways of prevention

Why are children becoming victims of obesity and how can they be prevented?

Saumya Agarwal
4 min readMar 4, 2024


Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash

Obesity is a serious problem in children. This is very dangerous not only for the health of the child but also for the future of the country. Recently, a study has revealed that in the year 2022, more than one billion people worldwide suffer from obesity. This number has doubled for adults since 1990 and has increased fourfold for children. Due to this, many problems related to their health may occur.

Childhood Obesity Statistics

Recently a report of Lancet Journal has come out, in which it was found that in the year 2022, about 1.25 crore children aged 5–19 years in India became victims of obesity. Not only India but, approximately 37 million children under 5 years of age were affected by overweight globally, and more than 390 million children and adolescents aged 5–19 years were overweight, including 160 million who were obese. 75% of whom live in low- and middle-income countries. Know what is the reason for obesity in children.

Why is childhood obesity a problem?
Photo by Elizaveta Dushechkina on Unsplash

Why is childhood obesity a problem?

The increasing number of cases of obesity in children is quite worrying amid the increasing statistics of diseases like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. The seriousness of this figure can be understood from the fact that among the population who contribute to the future of the country, 1.25 crore children are in the grip of obesity, which is a very serious problem. Obesity is a disease, due to which the risk of other serious diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, etc. increases significantly.

What is obesity?

Obesity can be understood with the help of BMI. BMI between 18–25 is considered normal, more than 25 is considered overweight and more than 30 is considered obese. Major changes in the lifestyle of children can be considered the reason for this. Compared to earlier, there have been many changes not only in our lifestyle but also in our eating habits, due to which more and more people are falling prey to obesity.

What causes childhood obesity?
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What causes childhood obesity?

Earlier, the diet used to include at least salt, oil, sugar, flour, and processed foods. The diet was rich in whole grains, green vegetables, seasonal fruits, vegetables, curd, milk etc. These foods provide nutrition but are not high in calories. For this reason, this diet protects from diseases and the body remains healthy. Apart from this, the lifestyle was also quite active. Due to this less fat gets accumulated in the body. Children used to play outside and run around, which helps in their physical and mental development.

Now due to the dominance of technology, children are living a sedentary lifestyle. They prefer playing video games more than playing outside. His physical activity is decreasing considerably. Processed foods are more easily available and almost everywhere, and they also taste better. For this reason, children are consuming excessive amounts of salt, sugar, etc.

Due to these reasons, inflammation and body fat increase, which is the biggest cause of obesity. However, by making changes in diet and lifestyle, children can be saved from the problem of obesity. Let us know, what changes are necessary in the lives of children.

How to prevent childhood obesity?
Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

How to prevent childhood obesity?

  • Instead of eating packaged food items, feed children healthy foods, which include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, etc.
  • To keep children physically active, involve them in household chores and send them outside to play.
  • Reduce children’s screen time. Try to ensure that they at least use smartphones and computers.
  • At least 6–8 hours of sleep every day is necessary for better development of children. Therefore, try to ensure that they get enough sleep.
  • Try to keep children stress-free. This will help them stay healthy.



Saumya Agarwal

Hello! I am a new blogger and I love to writing. I believe writing can heal the soul from emotional trauma.