Published in
1 min readNov 24, 2023


Photo by Rene Bernal on Unsplash

Childhood glorifies one’s life, It bestows memories for rife,

It begins with the innocent infancy,

It’s when the brain starts to blossom fantasy,

Sprouting dreams of the world unknown,

Frowning, crying, laughing, trying to grasp the dawn,

Nothing to worry, Nothing to plan,

Barmy in love with one’s own clan,

The habits are stubborn and rigid are the demands,

Yet so cute to pamper the commands,

It can get aghast easily to break the trust,

The gestures are bubbly, the tears get burst,

School becomes the second home, and friends, the second family,

Eat, play, sleep, the favourite hobbies, and regular lectures from the parents and the teachers are like therapy,

But the zeal remains intact to gleam among the throng,

If spent wisely, will elicit the gong,

Full of blessings, full of tantrums,

Reach wherever, cherish whatever,

Childhood comes once in the hands to rest,

Once gone, it never returns, even though it’s the best…….




|| For the Love of Writing || Shivani Devgan (Pen name - Sivena)