China’s Sorrow

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5 min readSep 2, 2020

What is the sorrow of China? Everyone knows it is Hwang Ho.
The Hwang Ho River, also known as the Yellow River, is the second-longest river in China. Its other name is Yellow River. The total length of the Hwang Ho river is 5464 km. The 2nd largest river in Asia and the 6th largest river in the world (note that the largest river in Asia is the Yangtze River and the largest river in the world is the Nile River.
The Hwang Ho River is also known as the Yellow River. The river originates from Mount Kunlun and falls into the Yellow Sea. And as far as is known, the Yellow Sea was also named because of its yellow water. The Hwang Ho river flows through the nine provinces of Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hunan and Shandong and joins the Bohai Sea.
But the history of naming this river is different. Hwang Ho is a Chinese word. Huang means yellow and ho means river, which means the yellow river. The only river in China was called Ho; the others were called Chuan or Shui. Chuan means mountain river, which is smaller than an ordinary river. And Shui means water.
Two thousand years ago, on the eve of the development of civilization, when people were cutting down a lot of trees along the banks of this river, the grey-yellow soil of this river mixed with the water of this river to form yellow colour and hence the name Huang Ho. It is called the Yellow River in English.
In ancient China, floods often originated from the Hwang Ho River. According to history, this river has changed its course 27 times drastically. As a result, the Chinese people have suffered indescribably.
The Hwang Ho River is also mentioned in some ancient Chinese folktales as a source of misery. In this case, a story of Si Men Pao can be mentioned. Where it is said, the residents of Yedi, a village on the banks of the Hwang Ho River, cite the Hwang Ho River as the cause of their greatest sorrow to Si Men Pao. They thought the Hwang Ho River god lived in the river; Every year the god wants a new wife.
If the locals do not get a wife for the deity every year, he will be angry and drown the whole region. And so for a long time, the local government and witches used to choose the so-called wife for the god Hwang Ho in Sotsahe and take this opportunity to collect extra taxes from the residents. Roy is one of the many legends that the Chinese people were terrified of the flooding of the Hwang Ho River
In the twentieth century, government-initiated construction of some of the most critical water conservation projects upstream and downstream of the Hwang Ho River in New China, as well as downstream embankments, ensured public safety along the river. And so the Chinese people are more comfortable thinking of the Hwang Ho River as the birthplace of Chinese civilization, no longer a source of grief.What is the sorrow of China? Everyone knows it is Huang Ho.
The Huang Ho River, also known as the Yellow River, is the second-longest river in China. Its other name is Yellow River. The total length of the Huang Ho river is 5464 km. The 2nd largest river in Asia and the 6th largest river in the world (note that the largest river in Asia is the Yangtze River and the largest river in the world is the Nile River.
The Huang Ho River is also known as the Yellow River. The river originates from Mount Kunlun and falls into the Yellow Sea. And as far as is known, the Yellow Sea was also named because of its yellow water. The Huang Ho river flows through the nine provinces of Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hunan and Shandong and joins the Bohai Sea.
But the history of naming this river is different. Huang Ho is a Chinese word. Huang means yellow and ho means river, which means the yellow river. The only river in China was called Ho; the others were called Chuan or Shui. Chuan means mountain river, which is smaller than an ordinary river. And Shui means water.
Two thousand years ago, on the eve of the development of civilization, when people were cutting down a lot of trees along the banks of this river, the grey-yellow soil of this river mixed with the water of this river to form yellow colour and hence the name Huang Ho. It is called the Yellow River in English.
In ancient China, floods often originated from the Huang Ho River. According to history, this river has changed its course 27 times drastically. As a result, the Chinese people have suffered indescribably.
The Huang Ho River is also mentioned in some ancient Chinese folktales as a source of misery. In this case, a story of Si Men Pao can be mentioned. Where it is said, the residents of Yedi, a village on the banks of the Huang Ho River, cite the Huang Ho River as the cause of their greatest sorrow to Si Men Pao. They thought the Huang Ho River god lived in the river; Every year the god wants a new wife.
If the locals do not get a wife for the deity every year, he will be angry and drown the whole region. And so for a long time, the local government and witches used to choose the so-called wife for the god Hwang Ho in Sotsahe and take this opportunity to collect extra taxes from the residents. Roy is one of the many legends that the Chinese people were terrified of the flooding of the Huang Ho River
In the twentieth century, government-initiated construction of some of the most critical water conservation projects upstream and downstream of the Huang Ho River in New China, as well as downstream embankments, ensured public safety along the river. And so the Chinese people are more comfortable thinking of the Hwang Ho River as the birthplace of Chinese civilization, no longer a source of grief.

Photo Credit: Google Images




I’m Naima Shirmen, Ongoing student of BBA, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.