Choose Chaos Over Clarity

Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2024
By Hughes on Unsplash

I live with my parents.

No, I don’t live in their basement, we don’t even have a basement. I have my own room, and I make my own food. I’m constantly commuting to college and my schedule is all over the place. I wake up every morning with a plan in my head, by 12 PM that plan is non existent.

I deal with a lot of chaos and little to no clarity. But I’ll gladly take chaos over clarity any day, because I realize that clarity is actually the last thing I’d ever want.

Clarity is an excuse to not deliver the action

I’m not saying I don’t have clarity, obviously I still have that plan floating in my head. Its just that it never works out the way I expect it to: instead eating at 3 and going for a walk at 5, I’ll find myself doing the opposite. Either I’m too busy to cook or I don’t have any food I can cook. Something always comes in the way.

Though my schedule tends to be chaotic, I love it.

Some days I don’t get anything done, some days I do. Everyday is a mystery but everyday is also an adventure. And that's the fun of it, I wake up every morning with absolutely no idea what will happen — thankfully it always works out.

Embrace the chaotic nature of life rather than resisting it

Looking around I see so many people with such elaborate routines. They’re entire day is planned the second they open their eyes in the morning, and even though they feel fulfilled, I believe they’re lacking. Because chaos is a part of life, life is meant to be chaotic.

Resisting chaos in your life is like going against the nature of the universe. Energy is always be transferred, its never held in one place for too long. Similarly your plans may be fulfilled but for how long?

One day it’ll all topple over and you’ll have no idea what to do next. You haven’t conditioned yourself to life’s nature and because of that you’ll end up suffering the most.

By embracing chaos you embrace life. That’s biggest takeaway from this.

And the best way to live in chaos is not through a routine, but rather through a skeleton. Don’t be specific at all, and let your tasks flow throughout the day — but always be aware of them. That way you’ll get your work done without the hassle of dealing with chaos.

As you become more in tune with chaos soon you’ll see how simple life is — and how overly complicated you made. That’s the beauty of it all, though life may seem chaotic its quite simple.

That simplicity allows you to thrive in situations by simply being more aware of your surroundings and adjusting according.

Like a leaf in a storm…

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I'm Jay. My dream? To become the greatest marketer of my generation - while also indulging on my interests.