Choosing Happiness and Peace

Mina Andjelkovic
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2024
Photo by Andrew Bui on Unsplash

Trying to find happiness and tranquility in a world full of turbulence, uncertainty, and never-ending demands can seem like an impossible goal. But in the middle of life’s chaos, there is a profound truth that we can choose: we are capable of choosing happiness and peace, not as transient feelings but as permanent states of being that come from inside.

The Delusion of Satisfaction from Without

From a young age, we are taught by society to look for contentment and happiness elsewhere—in things like money, professional success, or other people’s acceptance. We pursue illusive benchmarks because we think they will unlock the door to our contentment, only to become caught in a never-ending loop of unhappiness and yearning.

The Influence of Internal Harmony

However, true contentment and tranquility are found within ourselves, not in the outside world. They show up when we make our inner truth—the core of who we are below the roles we play and the masks we wear—aligned with our thoughts, deeds, and objectives.

The Practice of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness, or the readiness to go into the depths of our consciousness, face our fears and insecurities, and embrace the whole range of emotions, is the first step on the path to happiness and peace. By engaging in activities like journaling, meditation, and introspection, we are able to reveal the innate wisdom that is inside and remove the layers of conditioning.

Welcoming Acceptance

Inner serenity may only be attained through acceptance. It is the understanding that sorrow only results from resistance and that life moves at its own pace. Acceptance allows us to let go of our need to control events and give in to life’s natural flow. It also allows us to find comfort in the here and now and believe in the goodness that exists within all things.

The Technique of Letting Go

We frequently hold on to attachments in our search for pleasure, whether they be to people, things, or results, thinking that they will help us achieve our goals. However, genuine emancipation comes from letting go—from being free to let go of what no longer serves us and embrace the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

Reducing Expectations

A large portion of our misery stems from our expectations. We may embrace the beauty of life as it is and create room for magic, surprise, and spontaneity to occur when we let go of the need for life to live up to our expectations and wishes.

Healing and Forgiveness

We give ourselves and others the gift of forgiveness, which is a powerful soul-healing potion. We liberate ourselves from the bonds of the past and make room for healing, reconciliation, and progress by letting go of our grudges, rage, and judgment.

Selecting Happiness Every Moment

Happiness is a journey to be enjoyed rather than a destination to be attained; it’s a decision we make every moment, independent of the outside world. It can be found in the small joys in life, such as the feel of the sun on our skin, the company of loved ones, and the beauty of the natural world that unfolds before us.

In summary

The route to contentment and tranquility in the midst of life’s difficulties and complexities starts and ends inside of ourselves. It’s a voyage of self-acceptance, self-love, and self-discovery that takes us beyond the transient joys of the outside world and back to the safety of our own hearts.



Mina Andjelkovic

Master's degree in English language and literature. Freelance writer.