Choosing Not to Wear a Face Covering Doesn’t Make You Tough

Also Being Tough Isn’t a Thing

C Hardin Hansen
5 min readMay 14, 2020

This has gone beyond anecdotal. Whenever my family takes a walk around our Los Angeles neighborhood we receive an unmistakable signal. Men think they don’t need to wear face coverings. It doesn’t matter if they’re jogging, running errands or strolling around. Way too high of percentage of them are not in masks. Maybe they think it’s pointless because they’ve read a mask won’t stop them from getting Covid-19. But if we’re both wearing masks when we cross paths, you tell me how that doesn’t dramatically help us. Spoiler alert: it does. So maybe there’s another reason? It’s possible they think they’re too tough to wear them? Well, gentlemen, I’ve known some tough guys in my life, Let me tell you about some of them. They all are different kinds of tough but they have one thing in common, they wear masks to prevent the spread of Covid-19. (Names and some details are changed for privacy).


Danny is one of the toughest guys I’ve ever known. He has a huge heart too. He takes care of random old ladies in his building. He’s a youth mentor and would really have a problem with me…



C Hardin Hansen

C Hardin Hansen is a screenwriter (Pavement , HBO), a teacher and father who grew up in San Francisco but lives in exile in L.A. but he sort of likes it.