Chronic Neck Pain Is The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me

I wouldn’t trade it for anything

Joshua Cronkhite


Photo by Žygimantas Dukauskas on Unsplash

I remember it clearly.

Lying in bed, writhing. I had never felt pain like it: it was as if my head was bursting open from within.

All I could do was fill the house with my screams.

Chronic pain & me

I began my journey with chronic pain shortly after exiting high school. It came on quickly and unexpectedly. I’m still not sure what the tipping point was.

As a child, I had been obnoxiously active. I played all the sports I could. There was nothing I enjoyed more than the thrill of good-natured competition. And yet, as I was supposed to be stepping into the prime of my life, I watched my peers walk on by me.

This was deeply frustrating.

I felt like I was boxing with a ghost. I kept getting attacked by unseen hands. I couldn't figure out where they were coming from or how I could stop them. All I seemed to do was take a beating.

Thus began my journey with a variety of experts.

A road-going nowhere

The first balm I and my family tried to apply to the wound was visiting a chiropractor.



Joshua Cronkhite

Surprisingly tall human exploring philosophy, writing, and psychology on the quest to live more intentionally. Freelance inquiries: