Circumstances made her liar

Namra Chughtai
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2023
Photo by okeykat on Unsplash

In shadows of pain, her spirit did dwell, A girl who weathered storms, a tale to tell. Abuse and toxicity, her path was lined, Betrayal’s venom, in her heart, confined.

A fragile soul, adorned with scars unseen, Bearing burdens heavy, her heart serene. Love, a beacon, a light she held so dear, But circumstances forced her truth to veer.

Fear clutched her tightly, its icy grip unkind, Afraid of losing the love she yearned to find. For secrets whispered, hidden in her core, Could shatter the bond that she did adore.

Silent nights echoed with her stifled cries, As truth and fiction danced before her eyes. In her heart’s chamber, a liar she became, Concealing wounds, concealing all her shame.

Yet, love of her life, oblivious to the truth, Bathed in affection, he remained uncouth. Unaware of the battle she fought within, Unaware of the darkness she held within.

But fate, relentless, a cruel mistress be, Unveiling secrets, tearing apart what she’d plea. And as the truth unfurled, a tempest arose, Shattering trust, leaving her heart in throes.

Alone she stood, amidst the wreckage and despair, The love of her life, no longer there to care. For the lies she spun, the webs she had woven, Became the walls that left her heart broken.

Circumstances, a cruel hand they played, Transforming her into a liar, dismayed. Her essence tainted by the masks she wore, A prisoner of fear, forevermore



Namra Chughtai

Physiotherapist by the day, writer by the night. Writes about observations & experiences as a physiotherapist & a human .