Cleaning The Heart/Mind In A Few Moments.

How to clean your heart in a few moments?

Prabhank Sarwaikar
2 min readApr 10, 2023


Photo by Crystal de Passillé-Chabot on Unsplash
Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

Goswami Tulsidas Ji says if you want to clean your mind, just do this simple thing. Find a critic. A critic who criticizes you, who is very vituperative in insulting you, find him and make him sit in your garden.

Then put a tilak on his head and make him wear a garland of flowers. In other words, offer him respect, like Man, you are so nice. And then, let him criticize and insult you, and what you do? You just tolerate it.

Wait, I must tolerate it, how can that be possible? I cannot, I cannot resist, I will insult him back or go away. No, you just tolerate. Tolerate, tolerate, and tolerate.

Goswami Tulsidas Ji says further that, in a few moments, without soap and water, your heart will automatically get cleansed.

An ordinary person, if he finds such a situation, where a person is insulting him, will just find ways to get out of there. But Goswami Tulsidas Ji says, this is the best situation, where you find a person criticizing you or insulting you because it will cleanse your heart, increase your tolerance, increase your detachment from the world, and make you quiet from within in a short moment, and your work is done. A yogi or a person looking for self-purification, in such a situation, will say that this is my chance to purify myself. A situation where there is a reason to be angry, but you are not angry, a reason to be pride, but you are not proud, a reason to hate, but you are not hating, that is self-purification.

And why do I have to tolerate someone or something? Give me a strong reason to do this thing. The reason is very simple, God and His love. For him, you try to become a good child. A child who is soft, humble, compassionate, peaceful, patient, tolerant, etc. And to maintain goodness for God forever, one must practice tolerance, patience, humbleness, and forgiveness, very slowly and again and again.

Once a great sage said that there is no better sadhana than to tolerate again and again.

Just tolerate and face them, and nothing more! Do it slowly and carefully, but do it.

