Cleaning The Heart/Mind In A Few Moments- Part 2

How to clean your mind in a few moments?

Prabhank Sarwaikar
3 min readJun 4, 2023


Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

(Watch the videos of Swami Mukunananda, and ISKCON, on youtube for more knowledge related to God, devotion, spirituality, and inspiration)

In part 1, we saw that the best situation to clear your mind is to tolerate, tolerate, and tolerate. For God and his love, we will become his good child, and for that, we have to increase our tolerance power, detachment from the world, and purify ourselves. To purify ourselves, the best situation we can find is tolerating a person who is insulting us. But how do we do that? It is very difficult.

Whenever you find a situation where you are getting insulted, irritated, frustrated, or annoyed, do not react immediately. Keep your mouth close in silence. From inside, whatever emotions, thoughts, or feelings arise, you just feel them and let them remain inside only.

If those feelings come out, then a massacre can happen. Let them be inside. Feel them. You do this simple thing and slowly practice it, again and again, in any kind of situation which causes anger to come out. Just let your anger, hatred, irritation, frustration, inside of you.

When you will practice them, again and again, you will learn to ride with those emotions, every time you feel adverse. You will start feeling the gap between you and the other person. And one day, it will become your habit to do this. Next time, they won’t cause you that much pain, when they were causing you before. When alone, express your all the emotions, thoughts, tensions or feelings to yourself and take out all those impurities away from your heart by expressing them naturally, comfortably and fully with no one around, without shouting or throwing/beating things around in anger and do it without any hesitation.

Let your real emotions, feelings, thoughts, or tensions come out naturally and you just feel them from inside when in between people and let them come out with full expressions in a comfortable, natural manner while alone. You may take the help of a mirror to see yourself as you express while alone.

This will indeed take time, and it will be very uncomfortable to do, but if one wants to purify himself or herself from the inside, for God and his love, he should do it. One has to do everything by himself only, no one can help you, no one can make you pure, or make you spiritual.

And slowly you will progress. Only in adverse situations, you can improve yourself and progress. Where there is a reason for pride, but we are not proud, where there is a reason for anger, but we are not angry, where there is a reason for attachment, but we are not attached, where there is a reason for desire and greed and yet we are normal and neutral from inside, this a sign of self-purification, and the main goal of life is attaining God, through self-purification. God and his love and service is our goal in this life. We are souls, and a soul is a child and servant of God. God can only grace purified souls, out here.

The main thing is our heart, our inside. Our main goal is to purify ourselves from the inside and become good and humble from heart, for God and his love.

