Cleaning Up Dog Vomit From A Different Point of View

Tackling My Inner Critic With Compassion

Kris Freeman


Photo by gotdaflow on Unsplash

My older Dog and beloved first Corgi named Skipper has been losing his cookies on the carpeted corners of my home.

He knows that vomit is not something we want to see so he tries to inconspicuously hide it where he thinks no one will see it like behind the chair in the living room corner.

He knows that I freak out when I see him vomiting. My freak out includes dragging him by the collar as fast as possible to the hardwood or tiled parts of the house for ease of cleanup.

We don’t always get there and often the cleanup is a carpeting ordeal that has to be dealt with.

I am haunted by the sounds of Skip’s vomiting and feel like I have dog vomit PTSD. I am on hyper-alert and have even imagined that I’ve heard him vomiting when he is not.

What Expectations Am I Falling Prey To?

It seems silly to me that something so simple like dog vomit can send me into such a tail-spin.

As I observe my thoughts around vomiting, in general, this is what I come up with;

  • I have a belief that vomit will ruin a carpet.
  • I am concerned when I hear him vomiting…



Kris Freeman

Falling Flat on My Face, Getting Up Again, And Asking “What IS Next? AND “What Else Is Possible That I’ve Refused to Consider?”