Cleansing the Soul: How Crying Helps Me Let Go and Move Forward

We all go through tough times, don’t we?

Areeba Writes
3 min readAug 5, 2023


Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash

Life can often resemble a series of ups and downs. But you know what? I have a secret weapon that helps me cope with those heavy emotions and move forward, and it’s something we humans have, Crying.

Yes, you heard me right! Crying is not a sign of weakness; it’s a natural and powerful way to cleanse our souls and find the strength to let go of the pain and keep going.

Photo by Aleksandra Sapozhnikova on Unsplash

In the past, I had a rough patch in my life, and it felt like the world’s weight was on my shoulders. I tried to be strong and keep my emotions bottled up. But guess what? It only made things worse. I felt like I was suffocating under the weight of those pent-up feelings.

One day, after trying to hold back the tears for so long, I just let it all out. And boy, did it feel liberating! Crying is like releasing a floodgate of emotions that have been waiting to be set free. It’s like giving yourself a much-needed release valve.

I realized that crying is a way of telling myself, “Hey, it’s okay to feel sad, hurt, or overwhelmed. These emotions are part of being human.” It’s like giving myself permission to acknowledge and embrace my feelings rather than suppressing them and pretending everything is fine.

And you know what the best part is?

After a good cry, I always feel lighter. It’s like all that negativity, pain, and sorrow have been washed away. It creates space for positive thoughts and new beginnings. It’s like a fresh start for my soul.

When I cry, I’m not stuck in the past. Instead, I’m allowing myself to process those emotions and gradually let go of what’s holding me back. It’s like hitting the reset button for my mind and heart.

Of course, I’m not saying that crying is a magical solution to all problems. Life’s challenges don’t just disappear because we shed a few tears.

But crying is like taking a step forward on the path to healing. It gives me the strength to face my struggles head-on and find the courage to move forward.

So, the next time you feel overwhelmed by life’s hardships, don’t be afraid to shed some tears. Embrace the power of crying and let it cleanse your soul.

Give yourself the gift of acknowledging your feelings, and you’ll find the strength to let go and move forward toward a brighter tomorrow.

Remember, it’s okay to cry, and it’s okay to be vulnerable. It’s all part of being human.

So, let those tears flow and watch as they wash away the pain, leaving you with a renewed spirit and a stronger heart.

Take care and until next time!

Sending virtual hugs


Areeba 💖

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Areeba Writes

I am Areeba Jaweed, SEO Content Writer and Part-Time Blogger.