Closing the Windows

So that we can open the door

3 min readNov 22, 2021


Photo by Martin Widenka on Unsplash

What are windows made for?

To see the view outside. To let the fresh air and light in. To make them part of an attractive interior design style. What else? Okay, to sometimes jump out in cases of emergencies. And of course, jump in secretly when you are late from the parties!

But wondering why am I talking about such obvious things amidst so much going on within and without us?

Because we have conditioned our mind to live life by staying inside, constantly peeping outside but wanting to be a part of what we think exists outside. (I insist you to re-read the last sentence)

Suppose your inner self is the house. And the people, situations, and everything else that isn’t you is the view out of the window. We conserve ourselves inside the house by seeing what others are doing, having and being but struggle to make our way out through the door.

Go out and face them. Go out and be a part of them. Go out and still be not part of them. Go out and explore what you know about yourself. Go out and revise the limiting beliefs and thought patters. Go out and speak up your truth. Go out and inspire. Go out and make friends. Go out and help others heal. Go out, be aware, and simply get in.

Who are you? This answer is to be found inside you not outside. It’s rightly said that the world is a reflection of your own thoughts. So how can we find the answers in the world. The original information is within you.

Why I am focusing so much on going out and getting in?

Because we take the input from outside and interpret the outcomes to be for inside. While it should be the other way. Procure the inputs from your inner self and distribute/ offer everything to the world what you have know from within.

Approval seeking, trying to fit in, forgetting own dreams and choices to feel a sense of belongingness, to accept the ideas, beliefs as it is. To not revise, modify or change altogether the maps that have been given to us by family, friends or the previous generation people to walk on the path called life. And so we become so harsh on our own selves.

We make this mistake of expecting to receive from the world. But it’s all about giving it to the world.

We already have everything that we need in this moment. The wisdom, the knowledge, the challenges, the solutions, the resources. Growth is what we need to survive.

Universe is giving these to us as and when we require. And it’s our job to give to others what we can, to maintain the balance. Sprinkling kindness, compassion and love on others will be enough to start off.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

If we want to work with Universe, this is the way. Give away.

When did the last time we talked to ourselves? Or even listened to our selves? This is what is called “me time”.

Common! We can do it. We can love ourselves. We can be free. We can break free! We can be grateful! We can laugh more often. We can express our authentic selves more often. We can work on our blocks.

And in this era of multi-tasking, we can simultaneously give to the world the best we can.

Sounds exciting! Isn’t it?!

Keep rocking !!

