
Cloud Gaming Will Soon Be Easier to Access Than Regular Gaming

The Cloud-based games are rendered and played on remote servers, which users interact with on their local devices.

Aiden (Owner of Illumination Gaming)
Published in
5 min readAug 12, 2022


Photo by SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS on Pexels

Purpose of the Post

This post briefly introduces cloud gaming and give update on Google search engine including cloud gaming as an embedded feature.

Introduction to Cloud Gaming

Possibly everyone heard about cloud computing. However, if you don’t know much about cloud gaming, here’s a brief introduction.

Essentially , cloud gaming utilizes data center servers from many parts of the world to stream games to users. Cloud gaming uses the power of cloud computing.

You might think of cloud gaming like Netflix but for gaming.

There is absolutely no need to download or install anything related to the game you wish to play. The games are rendered and played on remote servers, which users interact with on their local devices.

I have previously written three articles relating to cloud gaming. Here are links to them if you want get some background information reflecting my ideas and experience.



Aiden (Owner of Illumination Gaming)

Specialise in Media, Design, Filmmaking, Gaming. I support Illumination as an editor and YouTube coordinator.