Clubhouse Is The New House Party

Who invited me here, again?

This Woman
Creative A.I.


Photo by insung yoon on Unsplash

Whose house is this anyway? It was so much fun at the beginning… Experts I would probably never get to consult with giving out free advice for no reason other than probably loving the sound of their own voices. And I appreciate it. I love the sound of their voices too. Some of them I hear for their knowledge. Others, I admit, I just love how they sound when they speak.

I joined rooms as a listener, asked questions when they came to mind and received responses that went in every direction. That alone gave me the confidence I needed to ultimately rely on my own common sense judgment in the topic at hand.

I was “bumped” to a moderator when I offered advice that room hosts found useful, and started my own low-key chat rooms. It was almost tempting to become one of the full-time Clubhouse people, who get such a thrill out of the clubs that they start weekly, daily, and randomly scheduled rooms all the time. One wonders when and how they focus on the actual work they are such experts at.

Interestingly, some folks are already monetizing. They call themselves “professional moderators” and charge a fee to help hosts run a room. The task consists of “resetting” about every twenty minutes by re-introducing the ever-growing panel of co-moderators. It also means allowing…



This Woman
Creative A.I.

Mother, writer, busy woman. The only thing that matters about my childhood is that I survived.