Coffee Is a Drug Not a Drink. 3 Reasons Why I Avoid Coffee for 20 Years

The benefits I enjoy are awesome

Andrey Pilipets


A white cup of coffee full of beans with a spoon inside
Coffee cup with beans. Wikipedia Commons

Reason 1. Coffee is a psychoactive drug

Do I want drugs in my system? No, thank you. I want my nervous system to be clean. I want my brain to function without stimulants. No addictions, no withdrawal symptoms.

Reason 2. My teeth got better

Coffee washes away calcium from bones. By the way, alcohol does the same. I didn’t like the yellow colour stains after coffee. I have had bad teeth since childhood. My teeth got way better after I stopped drinking coffee.

Reason 3. I sleep like a baby

All that extra alertness after drinking coffee was disturbing my sleep. The improved quality of sleep affected my health.

How about the health benefits of coffee?

Many authors on Medium write about how good coffee is. Let’s look at the health benefits of drinking coffee:

  1. Increased energy

Ever heard of the law of conservation of energy? Coffee doesn’t create extra energy you feel. Where does it come from? Coffee takes it from other parts of your nervous system.



Andrey Pilipets

I’m a passionate online personal trainer for 10+ years. I love to create new exercises to serve my clients the best possible way.