Cold breeze …

Published in
Dec 5, 2023

In that cold breeze , the silence adore Life location

Photo by Viktorija Lankauskaitė on Unsplash

In summer ,

Cold breeze

In winter

It feels like fridge

Cold breeze

Cold breeze.

I sit down in silent Street

To feel those cold breeze

In affection,

In desperation,

You are same without lease

Cold breeze

Cold breeze .

Holding in your lap,

I dream

I live

Cold breeze

Cold breeze

Your silence create my reflection

I am lost by your affection

In no narrowed contradiction

You own my lesson

You own my lesson.

Cold breeze cold breeze

I thank you for your treat .

Thank you for reading and your time 🙏




Freelancer (expert in account and finance), Writing about finance , account, life . A chartered accountant aspirant(final)