College Life Is About Adaptation

If you want to succeed, learn to adapt.

Noah Nelson
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2021


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

During the fall of freshmen year at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, my history TA gave me advice about college that stuck with me to this day. He said:

“College is all about adaptation. Every semester, class, classmate, assignment, club, event, etc. will be different. You have to learn to adapt to the changed environment. If you don’t, expect to fall behind.”

I took his words to heart. Not only were they moving, but I related to them in such a way that spoke to me because I never knew what college was going to be like.

Like Medium, I dove into the waters of college and have been swimming ever since.

Just An Average Kid

College didn’t hit me until junior year of high school when classmates started talking about it. ACTs and SATs were approaching so most students fretted about them and how they were going to go to college.

Other kids were just going to work, stay at home, take a gap year or join the military. There was nothing wrong with those options either.



Noah Nelson

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alum | Author of “Life: A Collection of Short Stories” and “Dana and Me” | Featured Writer on ILLUMINATION (23x).