Comedic Verse Collection

A smorgasbord of comedic verse by Wendy Scott

Wendy Scott


Created by author on subscription Canva account

I’ve been writing on Medium for a few months now. Initially, I thought I would write about leadership using my professional knowledge.

Then someone in my writing group sent an acrostic poetry challenge, and I started writing comic verse for the first time since I was a teenager.

I remember Pam Ayres’s days on the TV when my family used to sit around at home making up silly poems. My mum was good at it. I must have got the bug from her.

Leadership, dating, and humor are still in my repertoire. I’m a newbie on Medium and open to trying anything. However, that’s a diverse mix.

To make it easier for readers to find the content they want, Dr Mehmet Yildiz suggested that Illumination writers put their stories into categorized collections.

That way, people after SMART goals tips don’t have to put up with a zombie poem and vice versa. Or vicky vercky, as a friend of mine says.

Without more ado, here is my collection of comedic verse:

Comedic verse

My boyfriend is a zombie

My Boyfriend is a Zombie. He’s falling apart at the seams | by Wendy Scott | No Crime in Rhymin’ | Jan, 2021 |



Wendy Scott

L&D professional writing practical, step-by-step leadership and training & development articles to help leaders, managers & trainers grow their careers.