Comparing Pandemic Strategies Between Turkey, the United States, and England

Questions continue and our new enemy becomes even more challenging

Eden Kunter


Photo on Unsplash by Edwin Hooper

Healthcare professionals feel exhausted, sometimes even hopeless. The intense shifts add up with the fear of being infected as we run through this pandemic marathon. As a Turkish physician who works both with Covid-19 patients in emergency rooms and fieldwork as contact tracing, I would like to share with you my opinions considering different approaches of Turkey, the United States, and England.

We have met with coronavirus with a published open letter with a bold headline “HELP” in the Lancet around February. Since Lancet retracted the note later, I cannot cite it. Two healthcare workers were explaining to the world that Wuhan’s conditions and environment are more complicated and extreme than they could ever have imagined. And they declared they need EVERY HELP we can provide. While we were still confused about coronavirus is and how it affects people, the enemy has already shown itself at our doors.

As the world met the SARS-CoV-2, many challenges have occurred in different perspectives. You can read my previous articles in the links below.



Eden Kunter

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