Compounding Your Success

The Exponential Power of Long-Term Hard Work

Next-Gen Leaders
4 min readMay 16, 2024


Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash


The biggest mistake people make is pushing too strong when they’re motivated and being absent from action when they don’t feel like it. Instead, our performance should be located somewhere in between these two extremes.

Are we motivated? Great, let’s utilize it but not to an extent where tomorrow we would feel overwhelmed with the task.

Are we feeling stuck and not like working at all? Okay, let’s at least show up. Let’s just perform a tiny little piece of a task and see how it will go.

In this article, we will cover exactly this topic — the nuances of hard work.

More precisely, we will argue that a long-term commitment is always dominant compared to the shorter term but it’s harder to sustain. We will argue so for the three main reasons:

  • Long-Term commitment helps us perform every day
  • It builds self-belief and resilience
  • We experience the compounding effect

If you’re curious to find out how long-term hard work can benefit you, stay until the end of the article and discover. Let’s go into it.

#1 Showing Up Every Day

Graph created by the author.

Long-term hard work is beneficial because it offers a chance to find our unique routine, tailored to our own needs. Once a person decides to show up every day, it gets into the zone of knowing his strengths and weaknesses.

For example, by showing up every day it’s possible to find out which times of a day the person is most accustomed to. Moreover, a person can discover things not connected to work at all. I like watching movies in the evening and spending time with close ones.

That’s the biggest benefit of long-term commitment — balance. We can perform every day and enjoy every day with the same results.

#2 Building Stronger Inner Self

Graph created by the author.

To connect with the previous point, a long-term commitment helps with being stronger and more resilient in general. At the same time, since a person can manage both professional and private life equally effective, it’s easier to sustain a good mood.

As said before, hard work every day isn’t easy to do at all. Conversely, it’s very difficult which makes a person able to go through difficult times every single day. At the end, a person becomes a beast.

Or even better, a person becomes resilient to difficult circumstances and endures them better every single time.

#3 Commitment Compound Effect

Graph created by the author.

The most important point that will be discussed here is the compounding effect. For clarification, the compounding effect represents a bunch of small actions that become huge if performed every single day consistently.

The exact same effect happens with working hard every day. Small win after small win and success will eventually come. But every single one of the previous wins is the reason why the main one happened.

If you plant bamboo and take care of it every single year, you’ll notice that the biggest growth happens in its 5th of 6th year while the preceding years show almost no to zero growth. But the question remains.

Did bamboo grow in 5th or 6th year, or did it grow over the whole period with consistent care? Because of consistency, of course.

Final Remarks

At the end, the long-term commitment has shown numerous benefits positioning it above the short term one.

  1. It helps us be more organized and create a perfect routine.
  2. It helps us become more resilient and mentally strong.
  3. It adds the compounding effect to our success.

I hope this article helped you reshape your work commitments from shorter to longer term.

Thank you for reading.

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Keep grinding 💪



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