Confessions of a Coffee Addict

The dark liquid that owns my soul

Christine Graves


I am a self-proclaimed coffee addict. Yes, boys and girls, I drink coffee pretty much 24/7. Why? Because I can. And yes, I’m one of those weirdos that can drink coffee all day long and still go to bed and sleep all night.

However, I’m still in love with that first cup of the day. You know what I’m talking about. You can smell that first hint of that freshly brewed delight, floating through the air. The sound of the coffee maker as it perks out those drops of heavenly goodness. The feel of the steam curling up from the cup as you breathe in the essence of the dark liquid.

Unlike a majority of the population, I drink my coffee straight black. No sugar, no creamer, no nothing. Oh, I might add a little Irish Cream on occasion, but that’s only if I think I’ve earned myself a little reward for making it through another day.

I’ve been drinking coffee since I was about 7 years old. Maybe even younger than that. It was a staple in my grandmother’s house, who was also a verified coffee addict. She would drink coffee straight black day and night and I wanted to be just like her. I used to beg her to let me have a cup because I thought it looked “cool”.

Grandma tried to convince me that coffee wasn’t the food of the gods I believed it to be…



Christine Graves

Mother, grandmother, poet, storyteller, craft hoarder, ancient history fanatic, vintage junk collector, and classic smartass.