Connection with a Pumpkin Pie

The love you put into your work shows

Trista Signe Ainsworth


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

I love to work with my hands. Feeling everything I am creating brings me closer to my work. I love to dig into the dirt with my bare hands while gardening, and I like to make pie dough by hand. Feeling the small bits of butter and blending them into the flour slowly and with care connects me to the work I am doing. Building the creation of crust, filled with something sweet, brings pure joy to my heart. Last night I decided to try a new pumpkin pie recipe. Taking the time to slow down and make a pie from scratch brought a flow of abundance to our home. As the smell of fall spices wafted through the air, we waited with anticipation of a slice. It was the first time we had enjoyed pumpkin pie warm from the oven. The silky custard and the crispy crust melted on the palate in a symphony of flavor.

Pie crust and scones are both creations that require a slow and gentle approach. Going with the flow, just as with abundance, creates the perfect blend. For many years, I was a baker. Whenever I would make scones or dough, it would slow me down and bring me to the present moment. This is something that I love about baking. The need to pay attention to each ingredient causes a slowing down of your thoughts.

As nature is slowing down, it is a lesson for us to do the same. It does not mean…



Trista Signe Ainsworth

I write stories of love and encouragement from my heart to yours.