Containers in Python Lesson 2

2 to the power of ten thousand.


Source: screenshot my computer

Let’s review

Two weeks ago. We got to know each other a bit better went over a a few rules and procedures we got python up and running we introduce Idle talked a bit about computers and learned some basic short cuts control c for copy; control x for cut; and control v for pastes.

For those of you reading this we didn’t do any of that. I’m writing this for multiple audiences. There is the content that appears here. There is the content that may be part of the in person course. Then there is the content that I actually deliver. Let’s start over

Let’s review

Last week, or yesterday depending on your perspective. I introduce some data types:

Strings, integers,floats,expressions,boolean expressions and unicode symbols. You have had a chance to work with them in class and some of you may have played with them at home. Before we begin any thoughts or questions.

Question: With Python what is the precision limit?

Answer: Python uses unlimited precision.

Try this print two to the power ten thousand

print (2**10000)

Today we are going to introduce more data types under the heading containers. We are…



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