6 Amazing Content SEO Tricks to Help You Write an Engaging Article

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5 min readJul 15, 2023
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

As an SEO content writer, I’ve learned that writing for search engines is only half the battle. The other half is crafting compelling content that people will actually read.

If you want to write optimized content that doesn’t compromise on quality, don’t fret. There are content SEO strategies that can also help you keep your audience engaged.

I’ll share some of my favorite tricks that I use in writing content that both humans and search engines love.

Compelling Headlines

Photo by Bennett Tobias on Unsplash

Imagine walking through a bookstore and scanning the shelves for a book to read. What grabs your attention first? The catchy title!

The same principle applies to online content. Compelling headlines are the gateway to your article. They will determine whether readers click to read it or not.

A great headline should be attention-grabbing, descriptive, and accurate. You want to ensure your headline tells readers what your article is about. It should also be interesting enough to entice them to click through.

To create an enticing headline, consider using numbers or lists. They convey to readers that your article will be easy to scan. You can also use ‘power words,’ pose questions, or create a sense of urgency with your headline.

Consider the headline of my article: “6 Amazing Content SEO Tricks to Help You Write an Engaging Article.” or something like “10 Effective SEO Content Strategies.” Using these tips enhances the appeal of your headline. They also spark curiosity, enticing your readers to click and explore further.

A good way to test how effective your headlines are is to use the CoSchedule Headline Analyzer.

Engaging Introduction

Now you’ve attracted readers with your headline. Your next move is to hook them from the start with your introduction. Your introduction sets the stage for your article and provides context for what’s to come.

You want to ensure it is captivating and compelling, drawing them into the rest of your content.

Consider using storytelling techniques or sharing a personal experience related to your topic. It will help you establish an emotional connection with your audience. This connection will encourage them to continue reading and engaging with your content.

You could also begin by presenting fun facts. Let’s say you’re writing an article about the benefits of exercise. You could begin with, “Regular exercise can increase your lifespan by up to seven years.”

Another trick is to start with a thought-provoking question. You could ask, “Have you ever wondered what it takes to captivate an audience with your writing?” This headline can grab your reader’s attention and make them curious about what you will say next.

Write for Humans

One of the most important content SEO tricks is to write for humans, not only search engines. Of course, it’s important to use keywords and other SEO tactics. Yet, you don’t want to sacrifice readability for the sake of rankings and visibility.

Instead, focus on creating high-quality content that’s interesting and valuable to your readers. That way, you’ll naturally include keywords without forcing them in.

Use a conversational tone and simple language that a middle schooler would understand. Break down complex concepts into simpler terms and avoid excessive technical language. By doing these, your content will resonate with a larger audience and keep them coming back for more.

You can use the Hemingway Editor to make your writing better. It shows you where your sentences are too complicated and if you use too many adverbs and passive voice. It even tells you what grade level your writing is at.

Use Subheadings

Breaking your content into digestible sections using subheadings is a smart move. It enhances the readability of your article and also improves user experience.

Subheadings act as signposts, guiding readers through your content. It allows them to skim and locate the information they find most relevant. This way, you keep your readers engaged and make it easier for them to follow your main points.

Ensure your subheadings are descriptive and reflect the content that follows. This organizational structure not only makes your content more readable. It also assists search engines in understanding your content’s hierarchy and relevance.

Incorporate Multimedia

To captivate your audience, don’t limit yourself to plain text. Incorporate media elements like images, videos, infographics, GIFs, or relevant charts. These additions break the monotony of text. They make your content more appealing and increase reader engagement.

For example, an informative infographic can effectively convey complex ideas. It’ll make your article more memorable and shareable.

Moreover, search engines such as Google like pages with multimedia content. As such, using them can also improve your SEO. Remember to optimize visual elements with relevant alt text to further enhance SEO.

Include a Call-to-Action (CTA)

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Every article you create should serve a purpose: to inform, entertain, or persuade. To guide your readers towards that purpose, always include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end.

A well-crafted CTA prompts your audience to take specific actions. It could be subscribing to your newsletter, sharing your article, or leaving a comment. By incorporating clear and compelling CTAs, you will actively engage your audience. It will extend interaction on your page, helping you build relationships with them.

Final Words

Congratulations! You are now equipped with six amazing content SEO tricks to help you captivate your audience.

So, go ahead, put these tips into practice, and watch your content soar to new heights! Happy writing, and may your words always captivate and inspire!

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Professional copywriter and SEO content writer. A passionate advocate of the written word. Providing powerful and engaging content that brings in new leads.