Content Writing Vs Copywriting

Paul Farrelly
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2023

Two essential components of digital marketing that have a big impact on business success are content writing and copywriting. Both careers entail writing, but they have different goals and need different skill sets. This post will cover the distinctions between content writing and copywriting, as well as which type of writing is more lucrative for freelancers. I’ve even thrown in some expert advice on how to become a great copywriter!!

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What Separates Content Writing from Copywriting?

Writing content entails developing interesting and useful material with the goal of entertaining, educating, or informing a readership. The task of a content writer is to create blog posts, articles, whitepapers, and other types of long-form material that can position a company as a thought leader in a particular field. Building brand awareness, generating leads, and luring in new clients are the primary objectives of article creation.

The goal of a copywriter, on the other hand, is to persuade a target audience to take a particular action by crafting persuasive and compelling content. Sales pages, product descriptions, email marketing campaigns, and other types of short-form writing that can boost conversions and income are produced by copywriters. The basic objective of copywriting is to persuade potential customers to buy something or do something else.

What Is the More Lucrative Option for Freelancers?

The answer to this question relies on a number of variables, including the target market, experience, and skill set of the freelancer. Because copywriting directly affects a company’s financial line, it is typically more profitable than content writing. High-quality copy that may boost sales, drive traffic and raise money is in high demand from businesses.

But for independent contractors who have experience in a specific area or niche, article writing can also be financially rewarding. For instance, a content writer who focuses on the healthcare sector may be able to charge more since they have a thorough understanding of the sector and can provide relevant and compelling content.

Pro Tips for Becoming a Master Copywriter

Know Your Target Audience: Knowing your target audience is one of the most important components of copywriting. You must understand what drives people, the difficulties they face, and the answers they seek. Understanding your audience will help you write copy that connects with them and motivates them to act.

Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines: Your headline will be the first thing your audience sees, so it must be compelling. A strong headline should grab the interest of the reader and persuade them to continue reading.

Focus on Benefits, Not Features: It’s critical to concentrate on the advantages that your product or service may offer your audience while creating content. Explain how your product can help your audience and improve their lives rather than just listing its characteristics.

Utilize Social Proof: Demonstrating evidence that other people have utilized and profited from your product or service is a powerful persuasion strategy known as social proof. Reviews, case studies, and testimonials are all powerful examples of social evidence that can influence potential clients to act.

Edit, Edit, Edit: Careful editing and proofreading are essential to effective copywriting. Always work to ensure that your writing is as precise, succinct, and free from errors as you can. Before publishing or sending your work to your client, spend some time reviewing it and making any necessary revisions.


Finally, it should be noted that copywriting and content creation are two crucial facets of digital marketing that call for distinct skill sets and goals. Both writing professions can be lucrative for freelancers who specialize in a specific sector or have industry knowledge. But on the whole, copywriting is typically more lucrative than content writing. It’s crucial to comprehend your target audience, craft enticing headlines, concentrate on benefits, leverage social proof, and more in order to become an excellent copywriter.

In the end, what matters most is to hone your abilities and compile a great body of work, regardless of whether you decide to focus on content writing or copywriting. You can charge more and draw in more customers as you gain experience and establish a reputation for generating top-notch material.

Businesses in the modern digital era are always looking for new methods to differentiate themselves from the competition and connect with their target market. By becoming an expert in content or copywriting, you may assist companies in achieving their marketing objectives while establishing a lucrative freelancing career.



Paul Farrelly

Content writer, copywriter, digital artist and lover of all things geeky!