Contentment in the emptiness

Martin Rieck
Published in
Nov 10, 2022
Photograph by Martin Rieck (the Author)

Pain; Each movement and each gesture. Not even a shadow could hide the desolation within a soul. Contours, shaking in disbelief. Edges, fluid as the tears of its master.

Fear; Realisations of potential inevitabilities. Not even a composed mind can dismiss in confidence. Realities, unnerved in hypotheticals. Possibilities, fraught filled supposition.

Discomfort; Undesirability of what is had. Not even the unchangeable obstructs such contention. Perpetuity, inflexible in direction. Useless, the unchangeable humbles another.

Emptiness; Void of everything dear. Not even sustenance will tolerate the anguish within a mind. Mercy, thrifty in comfort. Value, lost with no regard.

Contentment; Value recognised in obsolescence. Not even the fallen desuetude can resist reinstating. Discountenance, suppressed in disregard. Warmth seeping into existence.



Martin Rieck

Curious mind, deep soul, questioning life, wandering definition. A trans disciplinary designer doing his failing best to take the world in.