Conversations With a Friend

A poem

Nasar Karim


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The conversations with a friend
About what both of us intend
The disregard for life’s curfews
Free exchange of honest views.

Able to speak openly
Nothing that you hide from me
And more than pure chance should allow
Know what I am thinking now.

The unconditional attention
Nothing is too much to mention
And we find ourselves quickly at ease
Seeing what each other sees.

Mental junk quickly discarded
Guises gone we are unguarded
As free as children in a dream
But wiser with what we have seen.

But for fading of the light
There is no day and neither night
Of time we are only aware
When one of us must disappear.

Haltingly we disengage
Gather our things and turn the page
Both trying to delay the end
Of conversations with a friend.



Nasar Karim

BSc Psychology. Author of Myshi Moo and the Frightening Face.