Could the post office shutdown and inability to get birth control actually be a blessing in disguise?

Controversial thought… but let’s look at the facts..

Dasha M


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Yes, I know that many women in America (approx. 13%) use some version of oral contraceptive that they must take daily. Yes, I know if they don’t take it daily, then there is a chance that they may get pregnant and that there are reverberating effects on their life.

I get all of that. And, still, my question remains. Because maybe, just maybe, this will be a moment for women to rewind and ask “Should I be on birth control? Is this the best contraceptive option available for me now?”.

This question bares breaking down and looking into why birth control may NOT be the best alternative — especially not right now. Let’s look into three reasons -

  1. Birth control can cause an overload of the HPA axis
  2. Birth control may cause depression and mental health issues



Dasha M

Biohacker. Ex-Management Consultant. Advisor to Clinics who want to grow. Explorer and curious connector.