
Couldn't Care Less (a poem)

Part of your wisdom portfolio

Shashi Sastry
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2024


Image made by the author in Canva Pro

(Loosely a long sonnet of thirty-four lines in iambic pentameter. To read aloud, as always.)

Couldn’t Care Less

I was a surly baby, which is par.
My parents told of a happy childhood,
Blithe nonchalance was my youth’s lodestar,
Until care crept in and settled for good.

For many years, I didn’t care about care,
In its infancy, it ensured I grew.
With learning and thinking, care got more flair,
In many things, it began showing through.

I saw care’s many forms and effects,
Sculptor of self, others, our world and work,
I noticed what the eye often neglects,
Care made me act more than complain and smirk.

I craved knowledge, perfect work was a must,
Looked after myself, my things and my space.
My friends and family always came first,
Care gave more joy than any other grace.

Caring felt good and care was good for me,
Yet I found life wasn’t all hunky



Shashi Sastry

I am a prism, refracting the light of thought into a rainbow of content for you. Poetry, philosophy, architecture, and more. LESS STUFF, MORE VEG = A FUTURE.