Gaming News

Counter-Strike 2 Is Just Around the Corner

Valve is teasing the release date of Counter-Strike 2, and it might be next week.

Aiden (Owner of Illumination Gaming)
Published in
4 min readSep 21, 2023


Photo by Alexander Jawfox on Unsplash

In some of my past chats, I’ve chatted about all kinds of stuff related to Counter-Strike and Valve. You can find those links at the end of this post.

But today, I wanna talk about something pretty exciting — Counter-Strike 2 might be coming our way real soon!

Valve dropped a bombshell in March, announcing the arrival of Counter-Strike 2. Now, let me tell you, this ain’t your run-of-the-mill sequel. It’s the kind of competitive gaming wizardry that might make outsiders scratch their heads, wondering what the fuss is all about. But for the die-hard CS fanatics, it’s nothing short of a dream come true.

In a game that’s been serving up the same adrenaline-pumping action for more than two decades, these changes are a pretty big deal. I mean, let’s face it, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has been holding the fort for over a decade.

But guess what? Its reign is about to meet its match when CS2 hits the scene next week, on the glorious Wednesday of September 27. Or at least, that’s what we’re all hoping for, thanks to a cryptic six-word tweet from the official Counter-Strike account that simply…



Aiden (Owner of Illumination Gaming)

Specialise in Media, Design, Filmmaking, Gaming. I support Illumination as an editor and YouTube coordinator.