COVID-19 Is Killing People Who Did Not Get The Virus

A father’s sad story

Floyd Mori


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Children may be suffering too

After looking at a video on Facebook, another video came up as they often do. It was a father speaking about his son whose death he attributed to COVID-19. The boy was just twelve years old. He killed himself right before his birthday. He did not have the coronavirus, but his life took dramatic turns because of it. The father blamed the pandemic for his son’s death.

The young boy liked playing video games. He was doing online schooling and seldom saw friends. He did not spend a lot of time outdoors. He would become angry while playing the games. Sometimes he would throw things and ruin his possessions. He had seemed well earlier in the day, but then he hanged himself. It was a traumatic experience for his younger sister who found him as well as the father and the whole family. The father said he considers it the coronavirus which caused his son to kill himself.

There have been many instances of people becoming more depressed during the pandemic. People who are isolated and seldom able to see others may be at high risk for suicide. Others have suffered from domestic abuse and substance abuse due to the changes of life which the pandemic has caused.



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.