COVID-Living: a Social Butterfly’s Nightmare

Struggling through isolation as an ENFP

Galit Birk, PhD


Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska on Unsplash

I miss people. And yet I am afraid of them unmasked and socializing, taking to the newly reopened world without a care in the world as I continue to shelter at home.

I realized I was in a bad place recently when I asked the guy in the SUV to my left if I could cut in and felt joy at his nod and hand waive, having just communicated with a real live human adult for the first time in three days.

As a classic ENFP, an extrovert who derives her energy from being around others and a single mom at that, I have built my life around that which gives me joy and sustains me and I generally know what I need and how to seek it.

When I feel sad or depleted I meet up with a girlfriend, knowing her energy and our mutual exchange will fuel me. But now I can not.

When I feel uninspired I’ll stroll a busy street, or sit at a bustling coffee shop, or perch myself at a great little spot by the water, always among people. But now I can not.

When I feel weak, afraid, or self-doubting I travel alone and regain my sense of empowerment, capability, and…



Galit Birk, PhD

Psychology, human potential, therapy, coaching, possibility, vulnerability, authenticity, connection, being known, giving my words wings! Perfectly imperfect.