COVID you say? I am off to South Korea then

Eugenio Cibruscola
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2020


Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

I was headed to London central by tube (yes, I took public transport and yes, I did my very best to avoid Jack COVID the Ripper), when I spotted a human being trying to make her way up the stairs at a station with her huge suitcase.

In that moment my mind reminded me that years ago I was in the same situation, dragging (3) heavy suitcases from one part of London to another. Fun.

Snapping back to reality, I decided to stop and offered to help her with the task (yes, doing my good deed for the day). She thought 0.5 seconds before accepting my offer.

Curious as I am, I asked whether she was relocating to London. I am aware most Universities are running courses online, so I would find it surprising a student would move to London at this time. Especially as Christmas is drawing closer. Then again, it is COVID time and everything is possible.

Casually she answers “I am moving to South Korea”.

Now, not sure whether it was the idea of faraway lands; the thought of a long trip sat on a plane, maybe next to someone who is asymptomatic, or the side effects of daily news telling me of every way a person can catch COVID, but her answer left me pleasantly surprised.

It doesn’t matter where we turn our eyes and ears these days, COVID is upon us and will be…

