Cracking the Motivation Code

From a Couch Potato to a Fitness Enthusiast!

C Prakash
5 min readJul 23, 2023


Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

I always dreamed of having a fit and chiseled body that looks good in every outfit….

But due to procrastination, laziness, and self-doubt, sticking to my workout feels like an uphill battle. Because of this, I never got the physique I desired.

And then, COVID hit, confining us to our homes. Now, I have no outdoor activities or exercise, and I find myself snacking on chips and processed foods while binge-watching Netflix.

Before I knew it, I gained so much weight that my belly began to peek out between my shirt buttons, and my favorite jeans no longer fit me.

After the lockdown ended, I decided to join the gym to shed those extra pounds. But, due to my old habits of procrastination and laziness. I struggled to maintain consistency in my workout routines. This led to losing more progress than I could gain.

As a result, I started to miss my workouts, and a day came when I doubted myself: was achieving a fit body even possible for me? I felt like a failure and this made me feel sad and demotivated.

Losing motivation is a common phenomenon, and I’m sure you’ve experienced it too. For instance, many people make New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of the year, only to forget them within a few months or even days.

What’s causing this lack of motivation…

You won’t believe this but only 1% of people in the world get what they want. This means that only 1 out of 100 people achieve their goals. And, I am not making these numbers, it came from the research.

So what’s the main reason behind this?

The answer lies in the world we live in, where we can get everything at our fingertips within seconds. High-speed internet, easy access to pornography, fast food, and other sources of instant gratification make our life easy and comfortable.

Also, self-doubt, fear of the unknown, and lack of focus on goals contribute to losing motivation. And in my case, I fear that my efforts will be in vain and everyone will mock me. This leads me to procrastinate on my workouts and cheat on my diet.

To achieve goals, you must be prepared to make sacrifices and step out of your cozy cocoon of comfort.

How to Rediscover Motivation…

Motivation is an emotion and like an emotion it can dissipate. That’s why you may not feel motivated all the time. Even the top athletes, successful people, and artists experience moments where they don’t feel motivated.

This doesn’t mean they give up. Instead, they use certain techniques that help them to reignite their drive and get back on their work with full motivation. I also use these techniques to stay consistent in my workout routines.

With all that said, here are some techniques you can use to regain your motivation:

Embrace a Prework Routine: Every elite athlete or successful artist has some pre-work routine that helps them get into the right mindset for their tasks.

For instance: Beyonce starts her concert with vocal warm-up exercises and stretches to get her body ready for the show. Similarly, Roger Federer performs tennis-specific footwork drills and shadow swings to get his body prepared for the match.

I drink pre-workout before every workout session. This helps me get into the right mindset that I have to workout. These routines send signals to your brain that you are now ready to do the work and your body automatically follows suit.

Segment goals into smaller goals: I used to get overwhelmed by the idea of losing 20 pounds. So I segmented it into daily tasks like burning 200 calories in the gym and eating 2000 calories and consuming 150 gm of protein.

These are not only easier to achieve but also give me a sense of accomplishment and motivate me to stay consistent in my workout. So don’t get overwhelmed by a challenging goal…. Try to break it into smaller, manageable tasks.

10 min rule: Do you ever find yourself scrolling endlessly on your mobile, staring blankly at the computer screen? Even if you have a looming project deadline, you are doing anything but the work. If this sounds familiar, then try the 10 min rule.

Tell yourself to dedicate just 10 mins to your work and then stop. You’ll find that by committing 10 min you will get in the flow and continue with the task that you are procrastinating.

Avoid negative self-talk: The main reason people lose motivation is that they constantly criticize themselves in their heads. They say they are not capable enough, things will not work out or they will never win. So instead of engaging in negative self-talk, imagine what would happen if you complete your work.

Paint a vivid picture in your mind. For instance, if you want to get fit, imagine achieving your dream body, feeling confident in your fit physique, and receiving appreciation for your hard work. This will help you to work even more passionately and with greater determination.

Incentives: In addition to all the above you can add incentives to motivate yourself. For instance, after working for 1 hour you can take a 10 min break or after completing your project you can treat yourself to a nice dinner.

After each workout, I reward myself with a chocolate protein shake. This not only fulfills my protein intake but also satisfies my chocolate craving. These little incentives may seem insignificant, but it motivates your brain to stay focused and complete your tasks.

Accountability partner: sometimes you need someone who can motivate, challenge, or remind you to stay focused on your work. It can be anyone, a friend, a family member, or even a stranger who is on a similar journey as you. So whenever you feel frustrated or demotivated, they can be there to reignite your motivation.

So, these are some techniques I used to motivate myself to stay consistent in my workout and diet. You can also apply these techniques to regain your motivation and pursue your dreams in any area of your life, whether it’s building a business, advancing your professional career, or achieving a fit body.



C Prakash

I am freelance writer and I offer copywriting and content writing services. If you want to hire me, email me at