Crappy Career Moments.

Don’t bury them. Savor those awful, stinky moments.

Sheila Musgrove


Illustration by Bro Ojrot. Copyright Sheila Musgrove.

In my latest book, “Unexpected Mentors. Weird & Creative Ideas To Boost Your Career.”, I wrote a full chapter on “crappy career moments”.

Sidebar: Yes, this image appears in my book. I was a few weeks into writing my book, when the crappy career moments chapter popped into my head. I’d found my talented illustrator, Bro on Fiverr. He nailed my hair almost right out of the gate. He was my guy. I emailed Bro and said, “Bro, draw me as you have been — suit, heels, necklace, hair — but draw me holding a plate of “poo”.” My email dinged almost immediately. It was Bro. His email read, “Come again Ma’am?” I chuckled when I typed the note back to him that simply said, “it’s exactly what you think.” And, the next day, Bro delivered the above fun image. Back to the story.

We’ve all had crappy career moments. I think we all deal with them the same way. We want to get home after work as fast as humanly possible and do whatever it takes to forget about that moment. Because it was crappy.

I think that’s a mistake.

There are incredible lessons to be learned in those awful career moments.

I shared this light hearted story in “Unexpected Mentors”.



Sheila Musgrove

Best-selling author, “Hired! How To Get The Zippy Gig.” & “Unexpected Mentors.” I write about recruitment, with a twist & a dose of humor.