Craziness in Our Very Reality

Meandering thoughts



Photo by NASA on Unsplash of an astronaut in space above the Earth. Separate and yet a part of the current craziness of reality.
Photo by NASA on Unsplash of an astronaut in space above the Earth. Separate and yet a part of the current craziness of reality.

Do you ever just stop and think for a moment about all the tiny little things that had to happen for you to be exactly where and how you are right now?

About all the tiny little things that had to happen over millions and billions of years for homo sapiens to come out like we are?

So that we could come out as a bipedal primate with an abnormally large brain that can handle complex thinking and even consciousness and language?

As opposed to some sentient form of bacteria? Or a smarter version of the dinosaurs? Heck, dinosaurs were around for 165 million years. Imagine what they could have been if they had an extra hundred million years.

About all the other tiny little things that had to happen over hundreds and thousands of years to for you to come out looking, thinking, and being like you as opposed to the other almost 8 billion people on this planet?

About every single ancestor that had to get together with that other specific person/ people so that you come out looking, acting, thinking, and being you? One difference along the chain and you may have come out very different.

Even full-blooded siblings can come out very different from each other and that’s with the same two parents providing genetic material…




Author & Writer | Querying my YA Fantasy novel |Top Writer in Space | A little bit of everything: Science, personal development, fiction, hobbies, and art