Cream Wafers

My favorite craving

Pranshu "Maverick" Dwivedi


Image by tookapic from Pixabay

Children surely love these little treats
Rather crisp and much too sweet
Every bite is a little piece of joy
And it’s better than any other treat or toy
My 2-yr old son is my excuse to buy!

Whether I am happy or I am sad
A tiny little wafer can never be too bad
For a snack at home or when you’re traveling
Energy or taste, whatever may be your goal
Rest assured these things will leave you feeling whole
Some say they’re unhealthy to eat, I say they’re a delight nothing can beat!

This little poem is written in response to a prompt by Agnes Laurens about your favorite cravings. Hers was a delightful poem about chocolate milk, which is actually also my true craving but I didn’t want to repeat it. According to her, it must be bad and unhealthy food that you can’t resist. Write an Acrostic Poem — thus every first letter of a sentence must represent the next letter of the word.

I am going to further tag Julene Cole Maryam Merchant Lily Dune Sabana Grande Morris T Terry L. Cooper Adriana Sim Chloe Hill Indubala Kachhawa Elan Cassandra Pene Hodge Emily Wilcox to give this a shot — whether you’re a poet or not, who doesn’t have a secret craving :)

If you play along, please use these tags, so we can all see these — Acrostic Poem, Poetry.



Pranshu "Maverick" Dwivedi

Stay-at-home-dad who "retired" from a 12-year career in finance at the age of 35. Curious thinker with an opinion on nearly everything and is here to share it.