Create the Environment you Need to Thrive.

Wambui Njuguna
Published in
5 min readNov 4, 2022

This give you an unfair advantage.

We all have different preferences for the kind of environment we love to work in. We prefer lighting in a certain way, background noise or pin-drop silence, and other weird or logical external factors.

Creating an environment you can thrive in while going beyond these attributes is just like that. It’s priming your environment for success.

Photo by Nastuh Abootalebi on Unsplash

We have little control over the cards we are dealt in life. Sometimes they do not seem adequate or enough to create the living you’ve always dreamed of.

Desired change begins with a dream despite circumstances and a thousand odds against you.

The bridge between a dream and reality, the desired outcome, or what Nevile Goddard refers to as the wish fulfilled in his book The Law of Assumption, is a set of actions driven by internal will.

Creating the kind of environment you can thrive in gives you an unfair advantage by providing you with a path of minimal friction and the tools to overcome obstacles.

The first step in creating the kind of environment you can thrive in is determining the actions you need to take to move from your current state to the desired outcome.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

You further need to know why you wish to accomplish your desired outcome. If you think of the actions towards achieving a goal as a journey, intentions are the directions.

You must be able to have a clear sense of why you desire the desired outcome. This helps you have reasoning to fall back on during hard times and helps you find the tools to overcome the setbacks you will experience with minimum friction.

The next step in priming your environment for success is having a healthy relationship with your environment, both external and internal.

Your external environment refers to the things going on around you, the news on the TV, your kids' behaviors, your physical working environment, your partner’s feelings, the content you consume, and so on.

Your internal environment refers to the mindsets, beliefs, values, and other internal attitudes that surround you. This may be from your family, your friends, your society, social media, and so on.

Having a healthy relationship means having the ability to notice everything in your environment; observing without judging, knowing what in your environment can help you grow and how to use it, and detaching from the things in your environment that you do not need.

I write more about the topic in this post:

The biggest challenge in creating the kind of environment you can thrive in is that the process is highly dependent on actively seeking out the things that can nurture your growth and detaching from the things that do not serve you.

It is easy to revel in an environment with minimum friction, one that requires little effort to achieve the basic fundamentals of living; a comfort zone, the mere existence.

All you have to do to survive in a comfort zone is merely be alive. You can constantly go through motions and tasks (auto-pilot) and feel like you have done all that is required of you because you have achieved the basic fundamentals of living.

The problem with this kind of living is thinking there is anything required from you.

Living to your full potential is a personal decision an individual makes, not because the universe requires them to.

Thinking the universe or people require anything from you makes it hard for you to detach from things and builds expectations from both the universe and other people. It is an impractical way to live.

People who live to their full potential acquire more (wealth, knowledge, intelligence), are not afraid of losing anything and do not become attached to anything because they understand the way of the world.

These people, therefore, experience less friction in constantly and actively seeking the things they need to nurture their growth and detaching from growth inhibitors and unproductive habits.

Implementing productive habits and building discipline aid in creating the kind of environment you would thrive in.

If you are constantly surrounded by physical items and automatically go through habits that lead you to progress, it will be easier to find the mental power required to seek out more activities and items that nurture your growth or participate in the current ones when you have a sluggish day or period.

Here are a few things you need to know about a conducive environment versus a comfort zone.

(The points alternate)

  1. Intelligence, wealth, fitness, brilliance, a growth mindset, and similar attributes are cultivated. You can have some of these attributes naturally but they start to lose their power when they are not used or exercised.
  2. You can go through laziness, binge-eating/drinking/watching, ignorance, a fixed mindset, and other negative attributes effortlessly in your mere existence.
  3. The first set of attributes does not offer instant gratification while the second set of attributes offers instant emotional rewards. In the long run, however, the nature of these rewards takes a flip.
  4. Constant effort accompanied by fatigue is rewarded in a satisfactory manner, the desired result or wish fulfilled is achieved, while constant inactivity with instant pleasure is rewarded by unappealing consequences.
  5. A positive set of attributes and habits cultivated over time through mindset and discipline yields a virtuous cycle. An achievement gives the motivation, inspiration, or assertion that you can achieve more.
  6. A negative set of attributes and habits cultivated over time by choosing to merely exist in a comfort zone yields a vicious cycle. You either actively seek constant cheap dopamine releases or keep indulging in negative habits because you feel like crap and lack the mental energy and willpower to carry out the habits or activities you need to initiate change.

The bridge between your current state and the desired outcome (goals) is time spent in a conducive environment.

Your holistic health writer, 💜

Wambui Njuguna.

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Wambui Njuguna

Compiling my first book, How to develop a healthy relationship with your environment, in my newsletter. Get access: