Success stories for ILLUMINATION Writers

Create vs Criticize

Cross-pollinating writers to create synergy and value for readers with innovative ways

Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Main)
Published in
8 min readJul 31, 2020


Photo by Hian Oliveira on Unsplash

“Don’t criticize what you can’t understand.” ― Bob Dylan

Inspired by several stories that I reviewed, the theme of our distribution list was criticism. I posed the question “Are critics really creative?” I have some thoughts on this point but want to leave it up to you to give perspectives based on your experience. We respect the critics; however, our focus is on creative writers not on the critics.

Many thanks for the excellent feedback on my story for the importance of writer bios. I received many inquiries from new writers on how to create a writer bio. It is inspiring that new writers started submitting their bios. In addition to creating visibility of your profile, your writer bio can be an initiating tool to turn your followers to fans.

Our top writers list is growing.



Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Main)

Scientist, Technologist, Inventor, focusing on HEALTH and JOY. Founder of ILLUMINATION, curating key messages for society. Connection: