Creating a Writers Heaven

Annelise Lords
Published in
7 min readMay 2, 2021


I’ll make the writers feel like an asset, not a liability.

Invitation To A Writing Challenge-Share your concerns and aspirations in a story by Dr. Mehmet Yildiz

Image by Annelise Lords

1 — As a writer, my major pain points and struggles are ….
No transparency and respect from the industries that take our hard work for granted. Without our ‘power of words,’ they have nothing. Whether it’s short stories, poems, novels, etc. Our content generates income, attention, and an audience for many platforms, yet we aren’t treated as if we count. Our efforts and creativity seem to have little value. At the same time, boundaries and limitations hidden in rules and regulations prevent our content from reaching its full potential. Because of their lack of transparency, most writers think that everyone is making more money from their content than the original creators. Why?
Thank God many of us creativity is limitless.

2 — As a writer, my desires and aspirations are …
To inspire, motivate, encourage, enlightened, entertain, stimulate hearts, souls, minds, intentions, etc. I use my power of words to instigate deeper thinking. To give smiles, laughter, hope, and peace, etc. Thinking minds and hearts are like water for plants, and that’s when growth begins.

