Creative Pursuits

Capture Your Joy

Concierge Jo-Anna~Communications Connector


Unsplash-Jacqueline Munguia

If I had a penny for every person who asked me why I still sing, dance & write, I’d be unbelievably wealthy. Somehow, in our modern society, we have come to equate money as the only measure of success. If someone hasn’t made millions from whatever creative pursuit they’ve been involved in, the suggestion is they should give it up because they didn’t “make it”.

The concept of success is defined differently, depending on who’s defining. Isn’t is short-sighted & silly to think we are not successful when singing beautifully, or writing powerfully, simply because we weren’t paid a fortune? The expression that leaps into my thoughts is the disparaging remark “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.” George Bernard Shaw’s condescending comment is so far off the mark as to be absurdly dismissive of anyone who either wasn’t lucky or simply had a different value system. Or that some prefer quietly enjoying & sharing their gifts instead of seeking the limelight.

Why or when did we become a society that decides if you’re not rich by 30, whatever you’re doing is worthless? The healthiest & happiest people I know do what they love every day. Some are financially solvent, most are not.

The current state of everything seems to be the perfect moment to revise these antiquated ideas that prevent people from enjoying their…

