Creatives — What if you couldn’t fail?

Your highest vision already exists, it’s just a matter of access.

Vaibhav Sharma
4 min readFeb 27, 2021


Credit: Greg Rakozy

You’ve got the music in you.

It’s already there. Buried. Unconscious. Dormant. Ready for its moment to burst forth.

It doesn’t require invention, only recitation.

It doesn’t require you to create ‘something’ out of ‘nothing’. Your work of art already exists, fully realized, somewhere within you.

The building blocks for your beautiful, complete, and unique symphony already exist. All that’s left to do is let the pieces bubble up to the surface for assembly.

You just need to open the door and let it all come into this world.

It doesn’t require any thinking, just doing

Your music, your art, your world-changing idea is beyond thoughts, beyond words, beyond concepts.

It’s a direct transference of energy. From your heart to those of others. Open up and let it out. You already know how.

Your creative power has been building within the depths of your being since your moment of birth — perhaps even earlier. Your unique pain, your secret pleasures, they’re all there waiting to be shared with others.

Every experience, every memory, every time the world broke your heart. Every time you just knew you were meant to do more — a new verse of melody was being birthed, waiting to be realized and made manifest into this world through your hands, your voice, your body.

You must let go, give up everything you think you are.

Credit: Erik Dungan

Don’t hold anything back. Your internal resistance, your false sense of self that was forced upon you by others, are the forces that try to push these magical building blocks of creative insight back down into the murky depths.

Yet, they yearn to be free. They are gasping for fresh air. Don’t drown them with own self-judgment, with your doubt, with your desperate need to be understood by others.

Open the door, and introduce them to the light.

You know enough already, your abilities are already sufficient.

No more preparation. No more study. No more research. Those are excuses. Ways that you avoid your own greatness.

It’s not a lack of knowledge that holds you back. What holds you back is fear.

You’re scared to put yourself out there and fail. That’s ok, it’s as natural as any other survival mechanism implanted within our primitive mammal brains. But your true self is beyond these negative beliefs and emotions. Your true self can rise above and move forward, one foot in front of the other, even in the presence of fear.

Fear has paralyzed you before, that was all part of the plan

You’ve procrastinated, avoided, and settled for less. Forgive yourself. Your time had not yet come, your magnum opus was still creating itself in the forge of your subconscious. But it’s ready now. Yes, right now.

Now is the culmination of a lifetime of unfulfilled passion. The time for hiding is over. Now is your time to dance your dance, you’re the only one who can.


Credit: Phil Hearing

Create as if your life depended on it. You know deep down that it does. There is no other way for you. You are a creator. You were not born into this world to follow anyone else’s path, but rather to make your own indelible mark.

You are a wild spirit, destined to suffer if you choose to live anything less than your fullest expression. Be free, now. Let others think what they will. Let your music fall upon their untuned ears as meaningless noise and chaos.

Their words, their thoughts, do nothing to you. What you truly are cannot be touched by others. Lean courageously into your authentic power, and you start to become bulletproof.

If your art touches even just one heart, moves even one other soul emotionally, then you have fulfilled your ultimate purpose.

You have played your part in the divine dance of the universe. You will have created a light in the darkness, by guiding others who might have also lost their way. Your creation is the highest act of love, the most selfless act of service.

We’re ready for you. Don’t leave us waiting.



Vaibhav Sharma

I have 2 modes — Recharging my introvert batteries in isolation, or oversharing myself shamelessly with the entire world. There’s no in-between.