Creativity is Developed in Community, by Understanding and Engaging with the World

An Interview with Professor Ryan Skinnell

Joe Thomas


Photo by Redd on Unsplash

Ryan Skinnell is an Associate Professor in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at San José State University. His current research is largely focused on political rhetoric and public discourse, especially as they relate to authoritarianism, demagoguery, and extremism.

Why do we write?

There are probably as many reasons as there are people. Some people write for the artistic and creative outlet, some for the subversive opportunities, some for the sense of freedom and release. In my case, I write for myself — it helps me understand my thinking, it helps me process information, and it helps me clarify and prioritize information. I also write for others — to connect, to inform, to build community, to persuade. I imagine most people who write, whether they enjoy it or not, have similar motivations.

Why is storytelling important?

Stories are world builders. We tell stories to tell ourselves what is possible, what is desirable, and what is valuable. In cultures around the world and throughout time, storytellers have had great respect because of the power that stories have to shape how we live our…



Joe Thomas

EV traveler, writer, futurist. Author of The Wealth of the Planet, While We Were Charging, and Martian Economics -->