Critical Race Theory Is Not What You Think It Is

It’s time to talk about it

Charlie Lukas


This is going to be uncomfortable, but what people need to do more than anything right now, is talk.

Brace yourself, the water’s cold.

· Introduction
· The Origins and Intentions of Critical Race Theory
· Critical of the Philosophical Roots
· The Specter of Implicit Bias
· Where Critical Race Theory Loses Its Mind
· The Conundrum of the Good Person
· Critical Race Theory in Practice
· On Martin Luther King Jr.
· People Fight Back
· Conclusion


I grew up in the 1990s.

From an early age, it wasn’t hard to figure out that people who looked different than you were not so different.

I can only speak for myself, but my young impression of the world was that ignorance, although not totally banished, was the exception to the rule.

People were just people, and it would have been ridiculous, and archaic, to assume otherwise.

A friend of mine described our current social landscape as a tapestry that’s become knotted together with strange ideas and bad intentions.

Causes that were once righteous have been perverted into something ugly.

