Criticism And Hating Are Not The Same

Here’s the difference between them.



Photo via Pexels

I’ve never understood what a “hater” is.

Is it someone who’d beat you up in the parking lot when they see you? Is it someone who isn’t afraid to talk shit to your face? Or is it someone who will “Jack the Ripper” you when you’re in a dark alley?

Turns out “hater” is used to describe people who leave nasty comments on social media — guess I won’t get my Mayweather moment in the parking lot.

It gets worse though.

Instead of your usual “kill yourself” comments, it’s now your “I don’t like this” comments. This leads me to my main point:

People who call constructive criticism hating, just want to be free-spirits with no consequences — while living in a social media cesspool.

People can’t tell if a word is a trigger word or not.

Hater language consists of a high volume of trigger words to cause you to feel some sort of anxiety, depression, or anger.

For example, curse words are trigger words. Saying the word “kill” is a trigger word. Anything gruesome (that I’m not going to get into) is a trigger word. Racist words like the n-word are trigger words.




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