Crushin’ on a Taurus? Get your facts in check

Ana Klikovac
Published in
7 min readApr 20, 2023

I be drippin’ so much sauce, Got a bih lookin’ like RAGÚ

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The next in line is Taurus, the sign I strangely know a ton about. I say strangely, because I am a Gemini, meaning we are not quite compatible, but we somehow always bump into each other. My theory is that they see this bubbly vibrant persona that I omit and that makes them initially attracted to me. I on the other hand find stability and certain kind of wisdom in them.

However, this isn’t about me, so let’s get back to everything you need to know about the lovely Taurus!


Taurus is the first Earth sign of the Zodiac. It is a fixed sign represented by the bull and ruled by the planet of Venus. This influence makes the Taurus loving, romantic, peaceful and calming, as Venus is the planet of love and romance. Be that as it may, Taurus are still very tough and resilient individuals with a stubborn temperament.

Seeing is truly believing for them. They heavily rely on facts and stick beside them. Tauruses definitely have a tendency to see the world as black and white, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing because they are fairly realistic, but that can also be their limitation.

Photo: Tyler Sherrington via Pexels

They can be resistant to change because they want to keep everything the way it is. They want friends to be permanent, they want romantic partners to be permanent, circumstances and objects, too. Speaking of objects, many Tauruses enjoy material possessions. They aren’t necessarily materialistic, by the definition of the word, but they just have an appreciation for the physical realm. I believe that is due to them being very tactile people. Touching objects and giving people physical affection (they literally give the best hugs!) is what keeps them grounded.

Tauruses are usually not too tall, but average sized and they are generally quite strong. They would be able to withstand a lot of physical labor if they wanted to. Many would rather relax on a porch swing with some iced tea and some snacks, though, and there is nothing wrong with that! They are also known for having a thick neck, as Taurus is ruled by the neck. This is what makes them excellent speakers and some are even known for having a great singing voice.

Another aspect that Tauruses are well-known for is their loyalty and devotion to the people in their circle. It may take some time for them to warm up to you, but once they do they are committed for life. This is what makes Tauruses not only a wonderful friends and lovers, but also co-workers, care-takers, parents, etc. They are by far the most dependable sign of the Zodiac. You know that if you tell a Taurus to do something that it will be done. It may take a minute, but it is bound to be eventually checked off the agenda.


Being an Earth sign means that Taurus will most likely want to spend lots of time in nature, either walking, hiking, picking flowers or simply enjoying the view. The outside brings so much peace and joy to Taurus natives. It grounds them and helps eliminate their stress, as it does for most people, but Tauruses have a particularly distinct connection to nature.

Taurus loves the simpler things in life, such as spending time with their loved ones, talking about anything and everything for hours, eating good food, appreciating the preciousness of each day…Taurus knows how to enjoy the little things and they cherish the genuine people in their worlds.

Photo: Elle Hughes via Pexels

Taurus natives also may have the tendency to collect anything from clothes, to jewelry, plants, pets, gadgets…you name it. This habit is also tied to their almost compulsive need to keep everything permanent, but also their need to have their sense of touch satisfied.

Being the ultimate foodie of the Zodiac, Tauruses not only enjoy a good meal, but also appreciate the process of making it. They love cooking and baking and they do it with their whole heart. Food making is yet another way they express their love.

Photo: via Pexels

They are also known to love taking care of plants. Some have beautiful gardens that they enjoy tending. It calms their system and brings lots of peace into their lives.

As Taurus natives are romantic souls, they will likely enjoy cultural events such as poetry readings, concerts, gallery showings, outings to a museum, learning about history, art, politics, science, and anything else that has a deep meaning to one’s culture.


It goes without saying that Tauruses are loyal and loving partners, fully committed to their relationships. They are attentive and incredibly loving. It is easy to feel all warm and fuzzy in their presence because of that.

But, on the flip side, they can also be very controlling, suffocating and overly domineering due to their overwhelming need to keep their partner only for themselves. This can also evoke feelings of jealousy followed by episode of intense rage. However, this tends to be a rare occurrence since they are usually able to come to their senses pretty quickly.

Photo: Jasmine Carter via Pexels

They can be resistant to change, which can cause trouble in their relationships and their personal lives alike. It can be difficult to make them change their habits and see a different point of view. That can definitely be one of the downfalls of dating a Taurus.

Nevertheless, they are pretty calm, reasonable and easy-going. I would even call them selfless, like a mother would be, because they are genuinely happiest when people around them content. They might even let you steer the wheel, but they won’t let you boss them around.


“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, is kind of their motto when it comes to sex. They like to stick to what they know and what feels good for them and their partner. Tauruses are all about pleasure and sensuality in the bedroom, so expect all of your senses to be fully satisfied, and be prepared to return the favor.

Photo: Pixabay via Pexels

Tauruses may not be the most sexually adventurous but they are more than happy to tend to your needs, even thought they may be a bit resistant at the beginning. You just have to be patient and communicative with them. They’ll come around eventually.

A Taurus lover will undoubtedly make you feel loved before, during and after the act. That is their specialty as the true romantics that they are. I would even go as far to claim that aftercare is what they are the best at because they are naturally very warm and cuddly. You sort of snuggle up to them and fall asleep within a second dreaming the sweetest dreams.

Tips on dating a Taurus

If you’ve got your eyes on a Taurus, my tip for you would be not to overthink about it too much. Simply and clearly signal to them that you are interested and let them make the first move. They may be hesitant at first, but trust me they will appreciate this approach.

You really have to take your time with them. They are stubborn, man oh man, and it can be exhausting at times, so keep that in mind. You cannot really argue with them because their mind is already set and it won’t budge. You thought you wanted things one way, well though, because they are going the other way. Why? Because that’s the only way.

Photo: Josh Hild via Pexels

I know I am making them sound like the most difficult people on the face of the Earth, but they are really not. You just have to find ways to work around it. Also, not every single Taurus will be as stubborn as I described, because remember that we are not only one sign. We have many other signs that influence our birth charts, thus different planetary aspects will influence each Taurus in their own specific way.

Overall, my main tip when dating a Taurus, would be to be calm, collected, peaceful, reasonable and willing to compromise. You’ll find that they’ll soon pick up on what you’re throwing and give you the same energy in return.

Have you ever dated a Taurus? What has your experience been like?



Ana Klikovac

Curious soul, exploring the world through written creation | Instagram: @kannchywrites & @kannchy96 | Email: